
We are always looking for new members to audition for OFS. If you are interested in joining our group, please see the information below and fill out the audition request form on this page.

OFS information and audition request

The OFS season is from September to May. We usually hold a concert in the first week of December, and a spring concert in May. Auditions are normally held in September and December, but also as needed throughout the year.

As a first step, please fill out the form on this page. We will contact you within a few days to follow up on your request.

Audition format

Auditions normally take about 15 minutes, and there is nothing to prepare ahead of time. The evaluation is made based on vocal range, tone production, sight-singing ability, and hearing skills.

Music reading is a basic requirement to sing in the choir.

Audition and rehearsal location

We rehearse on Tuesdays, from 7:00pm to 9:30pm.

In the two weeks prior to concert dates, there are additional mandatory rehearsals. Full rehearsal schedules are given to singers at the beginning of each season.


$200 per person for the season.

$100 for students (high school, college or university) for the season.

OFS Audition Request Form

OFS is a volunteer-run organization, with no paid employees. Are you willing to take part in the operations of the choir and volunteer your time?